Friday, October 20, 2006

Spread Manure.

Spread Manure.

We received three truckloads of topsoil on our curb this morning to lay down over the rockbed they call our yard. We're gearing up to put the sod in next weekend and crossing our fingers there isn't another snowstorm between now and then because it's going down either way.

We paid an extra $80 per truckload to get the special topsoil with manure. I think there is a clever salesman somewhere laughing at us.

Luckily, this task is more my hubby's than my own. He convinced a handful of friends and family to come out and, as my brother so eloquently put it, "soil themselves". Should be a fun day.


Liz Stanley said...

have fun soiling yourselves! ha ha

BloggDog said...

You honestly have to stop saying "WE" when talking about all the work going on in the yard. Otherwise "WE" may have to actually do the work instead of "ME".

Michelle Taft said...

i would gladly have rather been outside pushing dirt around with a shovel on the perfect fall day than staying inside sick, babysitting the SEVEN kids, and grilling hamburgers with the works (including avocado) for everyone, then cleaning up the dirt covered floor and ransacked house after it was all over. i think those contributions to the process qualify me for a "we".

BloggDog said...

OK...ok...I'll give you a "we" but not a "WE"