Thursday, October 26, 2006

Investigate footprints.

Investigate footprints.

I came home last night to this beautiful Christmas scene.

Perfect Halloween weather. And sod-planting weather.
But more interestingly, I woke up and the kids pointed out these tracks all over the backyard:

I would think they were cool except a few weeks ago we were kept awake late at night by an eerie howling that sounded like it was in our backyard. It may really only have been echoing back and forth across the mountaintops, but the thought of that is still pretty eerie. Does anyone know what kind of tracks these are? Domestic housecat tracks, right? please? Some cats creep me out too but not nearly as much as the other possiblities . . .


Liz Stanley said...

looks like a man with a peg leg peed on your snow

Liz Stanley said...

either that or a R.O.U.S.

Michelle Taft said...

i woke up to the same howling last night! are any of you fluent in wild animals calls? it went oo ooo oooooOOOOOOOO. (and no not like an owl)

Michelle Taft said...

you tell me, mom, you "supposedly" gave birth to me. is there more to your adoption rights research paper than i thought?

Anonymous said...

Dingo ate my baby!