Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Watch a movie.

Watch a movie.

Well it's new release Tuesday in the movie world, though since we went to online rentals that doesn't mean a whole lot in our house anymore. There isn't a blockbuster nearby and we were hard-core movie pass fans so it's been a difficult transition. We watch a LOT of movies so we need some sort of discount plan. We had tried Netflix and even Redbox and were not pleased so we decided to try Blockbuster online again. We hadn't had success with it the first time around but we were assured it had opened a facility nearby so the turn-around time was quicker than years previous and that their selection and inventory had been expanded as well. Not so much true. The top 5 movies in our queue are marked short wait or longer. Also, I must gripe that this has given my husband primary control over what we watch as he manages the queue. I miss running down the street to Blockbuster and getting whatever I want.

So instead of watching this tonight (which yes, we saw in theaters already but absolutely loved):

we will be watching this tonight (And I think I already saw this movie like 5 times when it was first released under the name Titanic):

And instead of having this for my kids to watch:

we will probably receive this in the mail for them to watch:
(Actually I'm kidding about this one but remembering the high school rendition my class did of this, it cracked me up when I saw this had been made into a movie. But now that I've pointed it out to my husband--who I promise is cool but loves things like Lord of the Rings and World of Warcraft-- this movie will now likely show up next week in our mailbox)


BloggDog said...

That Beowulf is actually a good flick. And the Monkey one is really not fit for children under 5 yrs, just a little heads up.

Michelle Taft said...

hey hot stuff, i love the blog you started without telling me!
so did i call it or what, it's totally in our mailbox, isn't it? have you really seen it already?

BloggDog said...

I actually didn't even know about the movie until I read your blog.

Liz Stanley said...

there are so many good movies out right now i want to see. i can't think of their names now but i know there are tons. i just saw the science of sleep which was awesome.