Sunday, September 24, 2006

Get car fixed.

Get car fixed.

This is my car. Well,this isn't actually my car, this is a picture I stole off Autotrader. But it is just like this car. Except the rims aren't that shiney. Oh and it doesn't work.

I have had less than loving feelings toward it for some time now, based mostly on the amount of money I spend on its gasoline addiction. My hubby and I have been considering trading it in for a smaller, more econimical vehicle. I think the car sensed our relationship was coming to an end and decided to abandon me first. Literally. On the side of the road. While it was full of fresh dairy and meat products. On the weekend my husband left his cell phone at work.

I am a little annoyed because I just treated it to a day of pampering last week--full upholstry and carpet steam cleaning. I even sprang for the vinyl detailing. Cars these days. They just have no appreciation (no pun intended).

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