Saturday, September 23, 2006

Buy snow boots.

Buy snow boots.

So you remember that snow high in the mountains I referred to yesterday?

Well it made its way to my backyard. This is what I saw when I looked out the window by mid- morning.

It's funny, though. As much as I wanted to be completely bummed that a perfectly fall day had been stolen from me, I could not hide my giddiness and bounced around in excitement the entire morning. No, really, I scared my kids. I don't know if it's because I grew up where snow was scarce and any sign of it meant a day--or two weeks--off from school but every year the first snow still makes me feel like a little kid at Christmas. Granted it's not usually in September...

But no worries, my favorite season isn't completely lost. The temperature today was already back in the 60s and next week promises days of 70 degree weather--and since I was caught without shoes for myself or the kids yesterday, it looks like good weather for snow boot shopping.


Anonymous said...

i always love it when it first starts snowing, that means it's ski season. however now that i live in the city i just think about having to walkthrough the snow to my job on the crappy ny streets. Part of me still thinks about skiing though.

Liz Stanley said...

yeah i still get giddy about snow because i still get snow days at school! woo hoo!

Michelle Taft said...

you two belong here. move out already!