Thursday, May 03, 2007

Run around a high school track.

Run around a high school track.

I picked up a new freelance gig and I'm back on the high school sports beat. It's good to be home, old friend.

I don't know, though, if I will be able to attend a track meet and resist the temptation to sprint around that perfect rubber track like I've been longing to, just once, like the good 'ol days.
Isn't is sad how few opportunities we have to break into a full-on sprint when we grow up? That is, in an acceptable setting and not out the sliding doors after a 2-year old, leaving behind your purse and crying older child while paying for craft supplies at Michael's, which doesn't count.


Anonymous said...

Ah more great references to high school....makes me think of the time when you tripped in your cheerleading uniform in front of the football field. Good times! However, I'm remembering gravel - was this prior to FHS going high class to the rubber track??

Michelle Taft said...

Ah, so many great memories of me tripping and falling in high school--I get them confused too. I remember gravel too and I'm thinking maybe we were at an away game? But perhaps it was when we still had the ghetto asphalt track.

Liz Stanley said...

usually when i try to sprint with my lacrosse girls I pull something. i think there's a reason why full grown adults don't spring

Liz Stanley said...

i meant sprint