Thursday, December 14, 2006

Defrost Turkeys.

Defrost Turkeys.

Because my first turkey-cooking experience was so overwhelmingly successful, I decided to sign up to cook a turkey for the church Christmas party tomorrow night.

If that sounds crazy enough, I actually signed up to cook TWO. ha ha ha ha ha.

To top it off, they brought them to me just last night, all 36 pounds of turkey, still in an arctic deep-freeze.

They told me just "leave it out for 24 hours and it will thaw". If this is the advice they gave to all turkey cookers last night, the advice I have for those attending the party tomorrow night is "don't eat the turkey".

So because my name will be attached to any food poisoning epidemic this weekend, my entire day today is devoted to doing the safer"cold plunge" thawing method on them. I did run to the grocery store to pick up a bunch of Christmas goody supplies too to experiment on while I'm on turkey watch both today and again tomorrow while I cook them. Homemade caramel, fudge, chocolate caramel pretzels, peppermint bark and sugar cookies. Yum! I am so domestic.

Inside I am in a bit of a panic and feel a bit like Joey from Friends in the Thanksgiving episode where he gets his head stuck in the turkey.

Those were good times. Watch it here. (this particular episode is referenced about 4 minutes in)

1 comment:

Liz Stanley said...

haaaa. i've never cooked a turkey. i've cooked a chicken but only once. whatever you do, do NOT try and put your head inSIDE the turkey to see if it's done. it will not come out, as we learned from joey