Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tune guitar.

Tune guitar.

I am ready to pull my guitar out of storage. If I can remember how to tune it, and probably re-string it after a two-year hiatus, I think I may even learn some holiday tunes.

You can now buy my guitar for half the price I paid in high school here.

This is still twice what I paid for my very first guitar, which was an "Oscar Schmidt" that my first guitar teacher (who plays guitar, plays harmonica and does vocals with Don Williams ) nicknamed "Schmidty."


Anonymous said...

Ahh yes, I remember when we bought our guitars back in high school. You've come so much further than I have, grasshopper. I couldn't get the callouses fast enough and gave up. I'm a lousy quitter. If I had honed my acting skills from our English videos and kept with my guitar lessons, I could now be a multi-talented singer-slash-actress. Instead, I skillfully pander to the American television audience. Almost as good. :)

Michelle Taft said...

whatever, you were an intricate part of our girls and guitars band in high school. you must re-visit your talent. should we schedule ourselves for the 10 year reunion?

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes, "Chicks that Sing & Play Guitar", I think we were called. We always were so creative. I'll really have to re-commit myself to the guitar if I'm going to be ready for the reunion. I wouldn't want to embarrass myself or anything.

Liz Stanley said...

i remember that guitar!

Michelle Taft said...

poor jen, she had the same left-handed with a right-handed guitar dilemma!