Friday, November 10, 2006



I have had the most stressful week. The emergency room was just the beginning. I must say, though, I think the new missing tooth look is adorable on my little girl.

It reminds me of Dakota Fanning in Man on Fire.

To top it off, I took on two freelance stories this week for this publication. I love writing, but this job is beginning to feel like homework, which is never good.

That was all in addition to filling orders from my own website and doing an additional 10 hours of work for this company.

I have to make a soup for a church gathering tomorrow and organize the new nursery class on Sunday but THEN, then I am going to relax ... before it all starts over again Monday.


Liz Stanley said...

sorry you had such a stressful week! ps i think taylor looks cute toothless

BloggDog said...

I agree, she is a cutie.