Monday, April 23, 2007

Throw big party.

Throw big party.

I've been wanting to throw a big party and I pulled the "birthday card" to guilt Jake into agreeing to an 80's-Themed Murder Mystery this past weekend.

How can 30 people decked out in neon colors, jelly bracelets, acid wash jean jackets, biker shorts, and crimped side ponytails NOT have a good time?

Add to that a little role-playing, murder solving, and of course breaking out the running man to Tiffany's "I Think We're Alone Now"--it doesn't get much better than that.

These pictures are courtesy of the awesome looking friends pictured in the second photo. I thought my camera was broken so I didn't take any pictures. Turns out I had just put the batteries in wrong (those AA batteries are complicated) but that's another story. . .

Lenny and Linda . . . er, My hubby and I . . . we were characters in an 80s band Jake named "Crying Heart" (you can't see it but those are tears and a heart scrawled on his face).

"Mark" and "Maria" in their like, totally awesome outfits!

They look innocent enough, but the two assasins on the left (even the one on crutches) murdered about half the party before it was over. And stole their victim's loot, giving them the most money at the end and winning them the acclaimed DVD "Teen Wolf". Oh yeah, Michael J. Fox at his best.
I wish I had pictures of everyone. Mostly so I could use them later as blackmail.
Rock on Crying Heart!


Liz Stanley said...

looks like so much fun!!! i guess my invite must have gotten lost in the mail....

Michelle Taft said...

move out here and you will be invited to them all, baby.

Jen said...

That is freakin' awesome. I mean, like totally awesome. Any party that mandates crimped/spiral curled hair is bound to be a hit. Would slap bracelets have been acceptable? Or were those 90's? I get my early 90's confused with the 80's sometimes.

Michelle Taft said...

slap bracelets would be so out.
yes, yes slap bracelets were at their height, if i recall correctly, in about '88. Totally acceptable.

hollyollie said...

All I can say about your outfits is - You totally rock! Looks like the party was a blast.