Saturday, June 16, 2007

Go to splash park.

Go to splash park.

Our neighborhood has the coolest little splash park that my kids LOVE. I loved it too last year mostly because it was a good excuse to be outside in a bathing suit (to get a tan, not to show off my awesome Mom-bod). But this year everyone seems to be showing up fully-clothed. I am working up the courage to try to change that.

The 100-degree heat sent us over last week. Here is the abbreviated portfolio of the afternoon :

Love these guys.


Liz Stanley said...

so CUTE! okay fine i'll move to utah where they have splash parks

Jen said...

your kiddos are too cute! and i can't believe you have a splash park in your neighborhood - that's excellent. my splash park is my sprinkler and a slip n' slide. :)

BloggDog said...

That pic of chase is the best. send it to me.

sweetpea said...

send that one to me too, plus the one with the two of them in towel and cover-up.