Saturday, June 16, 2007

Declare "Friday Night Blackouts".

Declare "Friday Night Blackouts".

Pretty much all power in the city and neighboring city went out yesterday afternoon and stayed out until 10pm.

When the kids came running in complaining their TV was off, my first reaction was panic.

But them something really great happened. First, I realized I would not be able to cook dinner. Such a shame. With that stress off my back, I began picking up the house. Then the most amazing thing happened--the kids started helping.

I had no emails calling to me to come sit down and take a break at the computer. I had no guilt over failing to work on my website or getting anything listed on eBay. Soon, the house was clean and without computers and air conditioners and TV, it was quiet. I was in a little bit of heaven.

Then it got hot. Really hot. And it didn't feel so much like heaven anymore. So we went out to dinner.

I came home to lights, cool air, and a clean house without any dinner dishes. I think I am going to call the power company and see what we can do to to schedule a blackout every Friday night (but only until 10pm).

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