Saturday, November 01, 2008

Celebrate Fall.

Celebrate Fall.

I love fall. And it goes by much, much too fast. October, I love you! It's now November which, though technically is still fall, is the month where I compromise that it can snow and though I will be mad, I won't yell at it.

Here's how we spent my most favorite month of the year:

The "World Famous" David Archuleta corn maze at Cornbellys. The kids love this place. Like last year, I forgot my camera. Actually, in true Michelle form, when we arrived I realized I forgot my camera AND my wallet, so we had to drive all the way back home for them. While I did remember my wallet, I forgot the camera again the second time out the door (I admittedly have brain damage) so all we got was a cell phone pic:

I bought this cell phone off craigslist when my old phone was stolen (and probably sold right back to me). When I went to send the pic to Jake off my phone, I found some leftover goodies in the photos section from the camera's previous owner:

We also made it down to Hee Haw Farms where the kids did basically the same things as they did at Cornbellys with the addition of petting farm animals and picking their own pumpkins:

And, the best part about October (besides the 5-pound candy weight gain), tons and tons of baking and crafts. These spiders were my favorite. The kids made forts one day and to my surprise, even wanted to keep their "pet spiders" in their forts:

To end the month, we also had our annual costume party with a small group of awesome neighbor friends. Jake and I were Shaggy and Velma. (Though Jake had trouble remembering the correct names and often referred to us as "Scabby and Wilma"):

Fun. But the real stars of Halloween:

Daphne and Scooby Dooby Doo! Love these guys. It wouldn't be Halloween with out them (and their easy-to-steal candy loot).


sweetpea said...

I love how your kids always pose for photos with their arms around each other. Great costume Michelle!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised the spider didn't have a rock dropped on it...

Anonymous said...

What awesome costumes! I'm so sad we weren't able to come to your party, I'm sure it was lots of fun.

M and N mmm mmm good said...

The picture you found is priceless!!! What in the world were they taking a picture of. Your halloween costumes were pretty cool too.

sunnyside said...

That party was sooo fun! I am still burning up that I couldn't rat my husband out better and get him executed by the villagers. Oh, well, you win some and you lose some.