Monday, April 07, 2008

Cut out long runs during basketball season.

Cut out long runs during basketball season.

Our church basketball team this year was, um, AWESOME. (Since two of us are in the relief society presidency, we made sure to announce this fact in class every week along with our standard recruiting pitch).

(How could you look at this team and think we didn't know how to play a serious game of basketball?)

We ended up with a roster of over 20 women on our awesome team by the end of the year. Well, we THOUGHT we were awesome until we played our first post-season game at the region level and got killed.

But I choose not to remember that night (where the refs chastized us for not knowing the game of basketball-- PSHAW) so much as all the other Saturday mornings we slaughtered our opponents school-yard style. And we didn't get into that petty trash talk either-- we always kicked their trash with a smile. We were also the (self-proclaimed) nicest team to play. And prettiest. Wait, did I say that? Well, we did have some cute blondes, I don't think anyone would really argue.

The only problem with the season for me was I was also picking up my mileage for a running event I am training for this summer, and between games in the morning and long runs at night, I wound up hobbling around every Sunday morning. I thought my body was falling apart for good, but (knock on wood) since our basketball season prematurely ended (I think the team we played was stacked), I have been having minimal problems the knees, quads, hamstrings, hip flexor, shins, achilles etc etc. (yeah I was a mess). So next year, I will just not train for anything else until basketball season is over. Problem solved.

This is very good news for all that basketball career is no longer in jeopardy. That's right, my church basketball career. The big time. Take that high school basketball coach who politely told me mid-season I should "concentrate on track because you're good at that."

1 comment:

Liz Stanley said...

really? really is it THAT fun? okay, fine i'm just jealous.