Thursday, January 03, 2008

Clean up Christmas.

Clean Up Christmas.

Instead of spending the first three days of the new year cleaning up Christmas, I spent them caving into societal pressure and reading the first three books of the Harry Potter series. And starting the fourth. Oh, and uh, taking care of the kids and stuff. Darn that Harry Potter.

Now, I am left with the task of dismantling our Christmas tree before it becomes too embarassing to let people into the house and reveal our "WT" status. I may even take down the Christmas --er, "party lights" we left up all of 2007 off our deck. But only because it turned out half of them didn't work when we turned them on after Thanksgiving. Otherwise I would leave them up because our friends all totally bought into the whole "party light" theory.

I usually count on Jake documenting Christmas with the video camera but this year it only recorded about 5 minutes before the tape ran out. And the first minute is recorded with the lens cap on. I was upset but not as upset as the time he recorded over the first two weeks of the life of our first child with his friend's water-skiing (love you, hun!). But, since a Christmas post is not complete without Christmas morning pictures, here are a few I took:

1 comment:

Leo and Jill said...

Your kids are getting so big!! Thanks for the Christmas card. It was great to see how everyone is doing/growing.