Friday, February 16, 2007

Plan Dinners.

Plan Dinners.

So somehow I spent all but about $100 of our entire grocery/ household products budget in the first 7 days of the month.

Unfortunately, my hubby was the discoverer of this little tidbit and bewildered, looked around the house proclaiming we had no food and couldn't imagine what the money had purchased.

Perplexed myself, and knowing I did not have any sort of meal plan for the day let alone the remainder of the month, I rummaged through the pantry and freezer and made a list of meals I didn't need to go to the store before making. Despite my early-month overspending, I pledged I would still stay within the month's budget. (Lucky for me it is a short month). We have plenty of cereal, oatmeal, sandwich meats, and soups for breakfasts and lunches but dinner was the real trick. Below is my list without touching the $100 still in my pocket. Though it becomes quite a stretch towards the end of the month, still, I admit, I am quite proud of it.

Feb 10th- Garlic Shrimp Alfredo

11th-Pork Chile Verde

12th-Thanksgiving Dinner (Roasted the Turkey all day and everything. So yummy.)

13th-Turkey Casserole


15th- Steak Dinner! (Liz and Jared were in town last night and came over to watch a TiVo-ed LOST --they made a bad, bad decision and are TV deprived right now-- and treated us to steaks on the barbie, well-salted veggies, Mtn Dew, of course, and ice cream and berries, yum!)

16th-Grilled Hamburgers and leftover steak

17th-DATE NIGHT! (We go out like twice a year, this meal doesn't count)

18th-Grilled Chicken Sandwiches

19th-Taco Salad

20th-Spaghetti and Meatballs

21st-Shrimp Primavera

22nd-Homemade Sausage Pizza

23rd-Ham-Roasted Red Beans and Rice

24th-Broccoli Chicken Pasta

25th-Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup and Grilled Cheese

26th-Beef Strogonoff

27th-Buffalo Wings and Mashed Potatoes

28th-Chicken Cordon Bleu
Any of these may also be substituted with Breakfast Dinner (Pancakes or French Toast, eggs, sausage and hashbrowns).

29th-And even if it was leap year, I have extra stuff for egg, ham, and cheese English Muffin Sandwiches.


brooke said...

Ok, do NOT let my husband see this! I will be banned from the grocery store for the rest of the month too! And he's going to start wanting shrimp.

Liz Stanley said...

you put the word soup back in super. or something like that. good work!