Monday, January 29, 2007

Rent the movie "Grease".

Rent the movie "Grease'.

I shamelessly declare that I love, love, love the new reality series "Grease: You're the One That I Want!".

I now shamefully admit I have never actually seen the movie.

I'm the product of a three-brother household.

I have seen bits and pieces at slumber parties over the years but as I was more interested in torturing early sleepers with cleverly frozen undergarments and hands carefully placed in cups of warm water, I have never watched it in its entirety. I am officially adding it to my long list of "deprived- childhood-girlie must-sees".

I have, however seen this modern-day Grease favorite multiple times.

So I'm starting a list here and now, what other gems am I incomplete as a woman until I have viewed?


Liz Stanley said...

yeah i totally am into that show too! jared was making fun of me sunday night. i'm not even a big american idol fan but i love this one! i did thing it was kind of boring how they were so positive with all the contestants, at least the ones I saw at the end. It definitely would be better tv if they made someone cry!

Jen said...

Off the top of my head:

Pretty in Pink
Sixteen Candles
Dirty Dancing
Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken
Can't Buy Me Love

And I could go on and on...

Michelle Taft said...

exactly what i'm looking for,jen- all i've seen off this list is parts of sixteen candles and dirty dancing. this should have been the responsibility of my high school friends . . .

Michelle Taft said...

i just saw on the NBC website that they are re-running the 2-hour live premiere this sunday and allowing more votes to be cast. is this simply because of the superbowl or did someone they want to win get voted off?

Jen said...

I'm just trying to figure out how you could have known me AND Kristin in high school and neither of us ever tied you to a chair and forced you to watch all or at least some of these movies. I feel like a failure. Maybe I will kidnap you in honor of our 10 year reunion and force you to watch them all. And braid your hair at the same time.

brooke said...

I can't BELIEVE you lived with me and haven't ever seen Grease. It is only out done by Dirty Dancing on my personal list of all time favorites.

Liz Stanley said...

no wonder you don't think i'm funny. most of my good jokes come from sixteen candles.

Michelle Taft said...

most of you are forgiven as you lived with me during a time i took pride in showing no interest in such girlie filmage.
as for you, liz, i do think you're funny, in fact, i take credit fo rintroducing you to the art of sarcasm that you're perfected so well, grasshopper. (notice MY typical movie reference)

Anonymous said...

can't buy me love is the second movie i ever cried watching(rental), the first was field of dreams(theater)

Michelle Taft said...

i too cried in field of dreams, every time i've watched it.
i really need more girl friends.

Liz Stanley said...

that jared is such a freakin whimp. can't buy me love? please.

Liz Stanley said...

definitely time for a new post!