Sunday, January 07, 2007

Eat healthier.

Eat healthier.

One of my New Year's resolutions is to eat healthier (I need to be in top shape for the ever-so-competitive women's church basketball league that starts this month--you know.) It was going really well until I made this totally 80's, totally fabulous mint chocolate chip ice cream pie a friend brought on New Year's Eve and my hubby and I fell in love with. It resembles this picture but is made true 80's style in a 9 x 13 casserole dish. It has been in my freezer killing my healthy eating ambitions all weekend and I think the best thing for me to do is finish the entire thing off tonight so I won't be tempted the coming week. Yes, I think that is definitely the solution.


Liz Stanley said...

awesome plan. are you going to post the recipe?

Michelle Taft said...

ok here it is dessert-lovers. . .

Mint Oreo Delight

26 oreos crushed up. Save three tablespoons for sprinkle on top.
1/3 cup melted butter
Mix oreos and butter and press into a 9x13 pan
Freeze for 20 minutes
Buy ½ gallon starlight mint ice cream
Let soften
Spread so it is even
Freeze for 20 minutes
1 jar of butterscotch caramel ice cream topping (Mrs. Richardson)
Freeze for another 20 minutes
Cool whip
Sprinkle remaining three tablespoons of oreos on top.
Freeze until you eat it.

Liz Stanley said...

i just heard avocados are going to double in price because of the deep freeze. eat more avocados NOW!