Thursday, May 01, 2008

Make more earth-friendly decisions.

Make more earth-friendly decisions.

The whole "save the earth" campaign has always kind of rubbed me the wrong way.

Well, I guess technically not always. In middle school I thought it was really cool to use recycled paper.
But, since then, I have proudly piled my cases of bottled water in my cart at the grocery store, carried everything else home in plastic bags, unabashadly used styrofoam at parties and cared only about the cost of the massive abouts of gas consumed by my massive SUV.

I have to admit that is changing. A bit. The whole earth week guilt-trip still got on my nerves, as does the fact it's now the "trendy" cause, but over the last couple of months I have nonetheless been making some small changes:

Since Chase decided he didn't need diapers (yay!), I haven't needed the plastic grocery bags to seal them in before taking them out to the trash. So, I bought some reusable grocery bags and use them instead at the grocery store. Unless I forget to bring them, which honestly, happens a lot. Then I use paper. Unless I forget to tell the bagger. And unless I'm buying lots of bottled water. Because I guess I would rather look like I don't care about the earth than like a hypocrite.

Which brings us to the issue of bottled water. Love it. A lot. I am a total water snob. And as a result, my kids have become such as well. But, I did make an effort here. I bought a water filter yesterday and I tried really hard to use it. But, after one day, I found I had drank cans of Diet Coke all day instead of metallic-tasting water and woke up this morning dehydrated. I did, however, convince my kids it tastes great and they are no longer drinking bottled water all day. That's something, right? p.s. Dasani, the best tasting water out there, is on sale at Smiths this week for $2.99 for 24. I bought six. And then didn't use my reusable bags.
Sorry, earth. I'm trying.


Val said...

you make me laugh. About the water situation. We live where the water is crap, so just give in a buy a reverse osmosis system. We bought ours at and it was only about $200.00 It works great, and you only have to change the filters 2-3 times a year depending on usage. I love the way my water now tastes, and don't know how people can drink unfiltered water out here. We call the sacrament the bitter cup at church because it tastes so bad!!!

Michelle Taft said...

Oh yes, church water is the worse. Unfiltered and all of it also somehow has that drinking fountain tin taste. Awesome. I will have to taste your water next time I'm at your house Val and see if the costco filter makes the grade.:)

M and N mmm mmm good said...

Love the church water comment. Amen to that!!!

Brenna said...

I think the water taste nasty out where you are. It's like sucking on pennies. I've been trying to be more "earth friendly" myself, but it's so hard to change my bad habits!

Anonymous said...

Michelle, I have the same recommendation as Val. We have a RO system and the water tastes awesome. Plus it takes out all those nasty minerals and chemicals. If you look at most of the packaged water that you buy you will see that the water you are drinking is simply purified by a RO (reverse osmosis) system either a 3,5, or 7 stage system and then they are bottling it up and selling it to you for a ridiculous price. You mind as well have your own water filtering at the tap. Nat

Michelle Taft said...

I will first try your filter and if I approve, have to buy the EXACT same one because it's not just bottled water I like. It's two specific brands ONLY of bottled water.

Anonymous said...

is handgun use as a hobby considered earth-friendly...i mean, shooting bullets into the earth sounds a bit earth-unfriendly if you ask me....