Thursday, August 09, 2007

Ban video games in our home.

Ban video games in our home.

Well, all except Guitar Hero and Dance Dance Revolution, of course.

I just read about a new service that allows gamers to pay, say $10, to play a video game online against other players and the winner takes home the proceeds from that game. This has to be the worst idea ever. It is also my husband's dream come true, so it's a good thing it is banned in the state where I live. Here is the article about it. My favorite is how they claim it is not like gambling at all.


Anonymous said...

Noooooo. Think about the children (your husband included)? Besides if you start banning video games, what’s next, Movies, TV, Books! I can't believe you would be against books. Do really want to be known as the family that has a ban on video games, it sounds very un-American. Your kids will have to hang their cute little heads down in shame when they go to school, as all the other kids point and whisper, “they aren’t allowed to play video games”. It has been shown in studies that video games are the first computer programs that your kids are likely to learn to use and leads to the development of other computer skills as they grow. You don’t want your children to become computer illiterate, do you? Even the PTA supports video games. ( Did to think of what this idea could do to the economy, tens of thousand of people work in the video game industry, a ban on video games would mean that all those people would have to find new jobs, and could throw the entire economy into a recession and destroy our way of life. Can't we blame something or better yet someone else for this ridiculous idea of banning video games? Perhaps the terrorists are to blame? The terrorists don’t want to have fun and want to destroy our way of life. You’re not a terrorists, are you? I didn’t think so. So as a good American you need to encourage your husband and children to play video games, the survival our country may depend on it. Sure, your husband may take just a tad longer to complete the basement then expected, but is that really the fault of the video games or the terrorists. Besides when ever has a large group of multi-national corporations produced products that harm the consumers.

P.S. Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo would like to thank you for your support not to ban video games.

sweetpea said...

Ban anonymous comments