Use Water Filter.I was floored when I read
this article on how Salt Lake City won a contest for best tasting water. Mostly because not 20 minutes outside the city, my city's tap produces what quite possibly is the foulest tasting water known to man. Maybe it's not that different. Maybe I'm spoiled with bottled water and I can just feel
really sorry for the rest of the nation. But even my three-year old son cringes in disgust when I try to trick him with a glass from the tap.
I do, however, feel guilty for filling my recycling bin twice a month solely with water bottles. I think eventually I will give in to a filter on the tap. But it's just so hard to give up the convenience of grabbing a water bottle on the way out the door, or throwing it in my tote on the way to the pool, or putting it beside my bed for when I wake up without worrying about floaties and bugs I can't see floating in it in the middle of the night. If I recycle the plastic bottles, am I really that bad of a person for enjoying them?